Ninja-themed restaurant

Deepa Shah
Cycle Bell
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2016


Our lovely host at the Ninja restaurant.

The Ninja restaurant was highly recommended to us by a cousin so we had to go there since we were back in Tokyo. And they had vegetarian kaiseki as well (priced at 7000 yen). The food was not very traditional but rather a modern version. And they allow kids.

The was delicious, very well-presented and astonishing.

We had to book it 3 days in advance and the only time we got was for a dinner at 5.30 pm. We reached there separately and they insisted that we enter together. And I now realise why so! The entire restaurant, right from when you enter, until you leave is Ninja-themed. The entire experience was superb. We loved it and kids loved it even more. Fantastic and must to-do if you are in Tokyo.



Founder, Folly Systems. Living a dream, veteran entrepreneur, avid traveller, mother of two and married to an awesome guy!